Empowerment through Therapy

Oak Tree Counseling is a personal counselling service provider with a focus on young adults, adults and elderly clients.

At Oak Tree, we want to contribute to making the World a better place, one person at a time, bringing awareness, self-knowledge and empowerment to people. 

At the core of our services are our values: Professional ethics, Commitment, Efficiency, Empathy and Compassion. 

Oak Tree Counseling was founded by Patricia Carvalho, a qualified psychologist, to provide personalised counselling service to the public in general and expats.

Being an expat herself and fully aware of the struggles we face when trying to build a life in another country  or another culture, Patricia can empathize as well provide useful insights into the effort to create a healthy and supportive environment 

Credentials and memberships

  • Specialist in counselling based on behavioural analysis
    Specialist in counselling based on behavioural analysis
  • Association for Contextual Behavioural Science
    Association for Contextual Behavioural Science

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